Inspirations Blog

A multimedia collection of stories, learnings, reflections, and resources from the people and ministries of Juniper Formation.

Congregational Housing Stability Campaign
Beloved Community Jenny Whitcher Beloved Community Jenny Whitcher

Congregational Housing Stability Campaign

We just learned that as of 1/5/2021, Family Promise has already received upwards of 100 phone calls from families in need of rental assistance for the month of January. This is much higher than their normal average of 20 calls per month. This 500% increase is because the need is growing. Our federal government failed…

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Courageous Love
Beloved Community Jenny Whitcher (she/her) Beloved Community Jenny Whitcher (she/her)

Courageous Love

In order to love like God loves and as children of the one who “sits on David’s throne,” I believe that we were made to be courageous. We were made to be the ones that “seek justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God”(Micah 6:8). This can only be achieved by looking at all things through the lens of love and modeling our life after Christ.

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Support Prophetic, Transformative Ministry

Support Prophetic, Transformative Ministry

I have cried so much this year. How about you? Not all my tears have been of frustration and grief. Some tears bear joyful witness to the movement of the Holy Spirit. Most recently, tears rolled down my cheek during our last monthly Leadership Team meeting as staff and leadership team members offered end-of-year blessings…

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Join Us for Advent
Beloved Community, Reimagining Church Jenny Whitcher Beloved Community, Reimagining Church Jenny Whitcher

Join Us for Advent

As the skies darken we might imagine ourselves in the growing space of the Creator’s womb, journeying alongside the birth of Jesus. Growing and preparing ourselves, with hope, faith and joy, love, and justice and peace.

There is so much that is possible if we are willing to listen for and follow the Holy Spirit in our lives, even during a holiday season that seems less festive, more isolating, and filled with more grieving than years past.

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What can you say in church?
Beloved Community Jenny Whitcher Beloved Community Jenny Whitcher

What can you say in church?

Whether ordained clergy, ordinands, or lay leaders, the priesthood of all believers is called to preach and teach the Gospel. To do this, we must relate the Gospel to our lived experiences, including the political and legislative issues that impact our individual and communal life, and the character and behaviors of public leaders that influence…

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Prophetic prayer in the time of COVID-19
Beloved Community Jenny Whitcher Beloved Community Jenny Whitcher

Prophetic prayer in the time of COVID-19

"I was invited by Rev. Del Phillips to offer a prayer today as one of 13 clergy from Denver to launch Pray Act Trust—30 days of noontime prayer and action in response to COVID-19. One of the people who offered a public prayer on the call today specifically named homosexuality and abortion as sins for which we need forgiveness...These words and this theology are violent, and they do not reflect a loving God who made us in God’s own image. There is no place for such hate and violence in our shared prayer life."

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