Speak Boldly Album
A progressive, sacred music album by folk-pop, singer-songwriter Spencer LaJoye cocreated in partnership with Juniper Formation.
Speak Boldly Album
Support the artist Spencer LaJoye and buy the album on Bandcamp, where you will get to read about the scriptures and stories that were part of the songwriting process. You may also find the album on iTunes and Spotify. Juniper Formation has a limited number of physical CDs with original album artwork, you may contact us to purchase a CD at: info@juniperformation.org.
Speak Boldly Lead Sheets
Available to you for free as a gift to the wider Church. Sing and play the music yourself! Email us to request Lead Sheets at: info@juniperformation.org.
Worship Music Videos
Check out our YouTube Speak Boldly Worship Music Video Playlist, for videos of all 10 songs on the album. You may use these videos in your worship services, small groups, or for yourself. Lyrics included for singing along!
Here are two worship video examples:

Support Prophetic Ministry Formation
The "Speak Boldly" album is one of Juniper Formation's many ministry partnerships.
We invite you to make an offering to share your gratitude for these kinds of Ministries.
For us, partnering to cocreate new ministries is a sign and symbol that God is still speaking, an inspiration to take the risk to do something new in responding to God's Spirit in ministry, and a reminder that new ministries are a gift to the wider Church.