Daily Scripture + Reflection App

Daily Ripple is a progressive digital discipleship community.

Our goal is simple: revolutionize how we practice discipleship.

Through the use of ritual and prompted action we’re building a more just and compassionate world one person, one community at a time.

If you’re ready to dive in, follow the following links to download the app or join us through our email newsletter on Substack.

How we’re Changing Discipleship

Daily Ripple is not a run of the mill devotional. We won’t fault you if that’s how you use it.

However, we’ve tried to design Daily Ripple to be so much more.

What You Can Expect

The premise of Daily Ripple is simple…

  • Better Rituals

  • Better Disciples

  • Better Communities

  • Better World

Monday through Friday, one of our 20+ authors publishes a 100-150 word droplet exploring their experiences as it relates to a scripture passage. Think of it like a quick voicemail from a friend.

We know you can buy a book to learn more, we want you to experience scripture through the eyes of another. Our authors share through the vulnerability of their experience what it means to question, struggle, believe, and act on the scripture passage they’re writing about.

That droplet of experience is just the beginning. 

With every droplet comes a ripple. It’s a question designed to help us take that experience into our communities.

These ripples prompt us into small acts of discipleship. They’re supposed to stick like gum on our shoes or that annoying song we’re trying to forget.

Our ripples come in three flavors: acts of justice, acts of compassion, or acts of self-compassion.

These daily ripples are spiritual acts that help us approach our day, our work, or our relationships with intentionality and possibility. 

Real change begins with each one of us acting out of a faith built on compassion and justice, our daily ripples are the catalyst for those acts of resistance.

How it works:

4 Rituals

14 Minutes

1% of your day

ReFrame QR code


a frame every weekday morning
from one of our authors


to trying something new
based on the daily frame


upon your commitment, experiment,
try something new


by having a conversation about the prompt with someone in your community

Daily Ripple Card Decks

Transforming Discipleship, One Card at a Time

Born as an outcropping of our progressive digital community, this card deck includes Ripples from what we publish on the app and Substack every Monday through Friday. Each card includes a coaching prompt to help you imagine ways of acting with a compassionate and just faith in your communities.

The deck contains 62 Ripples and 10 Ritual cards. Pick a random card each week to guide your practice. Then gather with others at the end of each week for a ritual to help mark your progress together.

Daily Ripple by the numbers:

  • Weekly frames written by our diverse paid content creators

  • Rituals

    Read | Commit | Act | Reflect

    Our rhythm is based on the psychology of habit formation. Our goal is to make it easier to act out of a faith that centers the margins, builds compassion, and acts with justice to transform the world.

  • That’s how many minutes we’re asking.

    3-minutes to read the daily frame.

    2-minutes to formulate and share your commitment for the day. Sharing a commitment increases the likelihood of it happening.

    6-minutes to act on your commitment. Just practice, experiment, follow through once during the day.

    3-minutes to reflect on your day. We make memories and change by telling stories. Your in-app private journal offers the space to do this.

  • The number of paid authors who contribute to ReFrame.

    Together, we are:

    ▪ women, men, and non-binary

    ▪ persons of color

    ▪ queer

    ▪ trans

    ▪ neurodiverse, disabled, and


  • ▪ center voices traditionally marginalized by the church

    ▪ co-create a compassionate and just world through better discipleship practice.

    ▪ build and support the creation of local communities using ReFrame.

What guides us:

  • God has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?

  • We recognize how the Church has historically created and sustained a culture that centers and marginalizes people. These structures persist today.

    Our content creators and leadership are built to challenge this culture. We believe that our communities are big enough for all of us.

    We’ve intentionally sought voices that have been pushed to the margins. Persons of color, women, disabled, gender queer, and LGBTQIA voices make up a large part of our content creators. We expect these diverse voices to challenge, stretch, and connect us to one another.

    Through these voices and our connections in the app we hope that your life becomes more complex and meaningful wherever you may be and however you identify in your communities. In fact, we’re counting on it.

  • Justice works best hand in hand with compassion. We believe the world works better when there is more compassion. We want to assume the best of others speaking truth with compassionate to ourselves and one another.

    We have no idea the roads others have travelled or the experiences, traumas, or ghosts that haunt their lives. Having compassion for others and for ourselves matters. We believe it will make the world a better place.

  • Humility lives at the crux of honesty and curiosity.

    Honesty with ourselves matters. Discipleship calls us to acknowledge what we’re good at and where we can grow. Good humility is an accurate sense of those strengths and areas of growth.

    When we are honest about those things, we can be honestly curious about others and the world. Rather than having it all figured out, we want people of faith to look out at the horizon with joy and wonder what comes next?

  • We’re a scattered people. Yet, we need community. It’s just good practice to seek other people for safety, companionship, and love.

    We’re clear that this app is built to help you imagine a faith that travels. It’s up to you to make it travel.

    While we’ll build spaces for people to connect in small and large groups. Spaces where we can connect around similar ideas or interests. They cannot be a complete substitute for an embodied community.

    For our health and well-being we need to connect. We weren’t built to be lonely. We’d encourage you to use this app to help your faith come alive. And, as that happens we’d encourage you to connect with others, find or build community, and bring your new companions along for the journey.

Join Daily Ripple today

How you can support Daily Ripple:

download clous
  • Get the app by clicking the button above

  • Join the SubStack if you prefer emails

  • Join our online church community here

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support us

  • We pay our authors an equitable wage, donate to ReFrame to ensure their voice continues to be heard

  • Technology isn’t free, help us build our “church” by supporting the frameworks we use to share our authors’ messages

share us

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  • Tell a friend about us

  • Create a Daily Ripple coffee group and journey together

  • Talk to your church about using Daily Ripple as a discipleship tool

partner with us

two hands clasping
  • Have an idea for how to use Daily Ripple? Reach out. We’re always happy to have conversation and imagine the spaces Daily Ripple can go

  • Partner with us to cocreate a Daily Ripple experience for your community or small group. We’ll work together to figure out how to best use the app your context

Daily Ripple Team

  • Jason is a Presbyterian minister and leadership and development coach. He is the Lead Curator of Life ReFramed. His interests include: hiking, woodworking, gaming, mental health, and meaning-making.

  • Calista is a fourteen-year-old author living outside Denver, Colorado. She has been interested in writing for quite some time, which is one of the reasons that she chose to write for ReFrame. Calista uses multiple forms of art to express her ideas and beliefs. She also loves to travel with her mom, sister, and dad.

  • Jenny is the Minister of Prophetic Formation and co-founder of Juniper Formation, an ecumenical faith community of the United Church of Christ (UCC). They're a group of movement leaders and people in ministry who are prophetically cocreating the Church from the margins. Jenny is an artist, home renovator and builder, and enjoys good spiritual and political conversations over meals and walks. She loves Denver, but misses the ocean.

  • Katelin is the multimedia producer for Juniper Formation. She lives in Austin with her wife, dog, and cat. She enjoys camping, fishing, archery, and a plethora of nerdy pastimes (comics, video games, spreadsheets, etc).

  • Pedro has had many callings in his life--each of which led him to his callings as a parish minister and public theologian. He is currently serving as a Director of Engagement with YOUnify, a non-profit organization focused on helping communities bridge cultural divides and move beyond the limits of toxic polarization to become incubators for solving the complex problems of our time.

  • Theo is pretty sure that talking about sex is going to change the world. No really, it is. Conversations about sexuality radically address the core of relationships, identity, values, goals, and pleasure which allows people to know and respect themselves as well as the experiences, bodies, and selves of others. Theo is a sex educator and believes deeply in creating environments where people can claim autonomy over their bodies and pleasure and heal their relationship to their sexuality. In their off-time, Theo crafts and enjoys the menagerie of pets and humans that fill their home with chaos.

  • Javon was born and raised in New Orleans. She lives out her ministry calling in the Baptist church, as well as in the broader community context. Her hobbies include collecting records and mugs. Javon lives life by the mantra: To edify. To glorify. To do all things in love.

  • Claudia is interim pastor at Park Hill Congregational Church in Denver, Colorado. Being bilingual, bicultural, and binational is part of her call to build bridges among different groups of people. She is a certified yoga instructor and loves music, dogs, cooking, and baking. She is interested in ecumenical and interfaith efforts to bring justice and peace to every sentient being. When not working, she is spending time in her garden with her husband Doug and their dogs, hiking with friends, or trying to replicate authentic Mexican dishes with limited access to ingredients.

  • Jeanette is the granddaughter of Mexican Indigenous immigrants, and the first woman in her family to graduate college. Her work in the fields of education and leadership are deeply personal and inform her beliefs about the power of education. She is the Director of School Design at City Year and sees her role there as redesigning systems of oppression into systems of inclusion and equity. For her, the church is a place where all belong and are loved. She is the vice-chair of Juniper Formation and is committed to working with the migrant and undocumented communities in Denver, Colorado.

  • Keisha is first and foremost a wife and mom of two children. The three things that she values most in life are her faith, friends and family. Keisha desires to walk with the Lord authentically through the inevitable joys and sorrows of this life in a way that reflects God’s unmerited favor, forgiveness and faithfulness so that it may encourage others. Although she is a native New Yorker she has made the State of Maryland her home. Her hobbies include gardening, swimming, reading and DIY home projects.

  • MaryAnn is passionate about capturing and revealing God's heart through words. She spends her days looking for ways to connect, engage, love, and encourage others toward knowing the deep love of God. She currently serves as an ordained pastor at a Vineyard church in California.

  • Amanda was raised in Central Florida but recently moved to Maine. As a part of Juniper Formation’s storytelling team, Amanda loves to help with web design and marketing. She also works part-time for a course creation agency as a Client Marketing Specialist. In her free time, Amanda loves to write fiction stories, draw cozy characters, and hang out with her spouse of 16 years and their 13 year old dachshund.

  • Avery is genderqueer, Autistic, an agnostic Catholic-Presbyterian mishmash, and a firm believer that God urges us to break down all binaries that divide humans from one another, from Creation, and from the Divine. They center their ministry around this belief with their Blessed Are the Binary Breakers podcast; dichotomy-defying liturgy and poems; and workshops and virtual resources focused on disability and trans affirmation. Avery graduated from Louisville Seminary in 2019 and joined the More Light Presbyterians national board of directors in 2022. They currently live in Decatur, Georgia, with their wife and two cats.

  • Candace is a Colorado Springs based minister who is ordained in the United Church of Christ. She holds a Master's in Divinity from Iliff School of Theology. She spends her days doing work around the wild intersections of gender and sexuality, faith and spirituality, and bodies and nature. Personally, Candace lives with her partner, 2 dogs, 5 chickens, and a beehive on a little urban farmstead. She loves to be outside, whether hiking, foraging for medicinal plants, or in the garden, and she also loves connecting in community over coffee or a beer, dreaming up how to cocreate the future with God and her neighbors.

  • Dax is deeply committed to listening fully, cultivating a compassionate heart, and seeking knowledge of who God is through relationship with others. He spends his time creating access to healthcare services for those afraid to or unable to access it and educating healthcare providers about LGBTQIA+ lives. Dax knows he's called to ministry and that knowing has not yet resulted in becoming a minister in title, but moves him to be that as much as possible in whatever present moment he finds himself in. He has an amazing partner in living named Nancy and a beautiful son named Angelo that has looked older than him since he was 15.

  • Jackie is a retired educator in Colorado. She is a member of St. Laurence Episcopal Church in Conifer, Colorado. She serves on her parish vestry and the diocese Executive Committee of the Front Range. She is currently in discernment for a call to ministry.

  • Evan serves as Pastor of Peoples Presbyterian Church, a small, historic African-American congregation in central Denver. Evan is drawn to the intersection of Christian discipleship and public advocacy for a world marked by justice, equity, and dignity, an intersection which Evan explores creatively in his songwriting project, Bruised Reeds. Evan is an admitted Colorado stereotype- an avid trail-runner, an alpine addict, a lover of local lager.

  • Kate works full-time as a bench researcher neuroscientist, attends Seminary part-time, and does ministry for folks at the intersection of queer and Christian identities. They have taught discernment and collective decision making to fellow students and ministers, and to civic and faith-based organizations and is the author of “The Chairperson's Toolbox: Essentials for the committee leader” on that topic.

  • Libby is curious, courageous and compassionate. She aims to embody, embrace and empower more love. She is a wife, mama, pastor, coach, author and obsessive podcast/audiobook consumer. She believes there is always room for one more around the table: both at home and in God's family and that generous hospitality can and will heal the world. Libby is the daughter of two continents: North America and Africa and maintains dual citizenship between the USA and Republic of South Africa.

  • Taeler is the pastor of Gather Tacoma, and a church planting coach with the PCUSA and V3 Church Planting Movement. Taeler, her husband Tim, and their two kids, love hanging out in their neighborhood, exploring the Pacific Northwest, and finding adventure in the ordinary!