Inspirations Blog

A multimedia collection of stories, learnings, reflections, and resources from the people and ministries of Juniper Formation.

2021 Highlights & Where We Are Headed in 2022

2021 Highlights & Where We Are Headed in 2022

I’m writing to share with you highlights of Juniper Formation’s ministries in 2021, and what we are looking forward to in 2022. I’d love to hear from you what is energizing you in ministry these days, and where Juniper Formation might connect with you in 2022.

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Reflections on becoming a "local church"

Reflections on becoming a "local church"

It is a common experience for people at the margins of the Church to work hard to be seen, experienced, and accepted, all while being ready to give everything up. By everything, I mean our faith and relationships within and to the Church. The stakes are far too high for the Church not to be continually self-interrogating its discomfort with new forms of ministry and new embodiments of ministers.

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This Saturday will be the first national Juneteenth celebration in the United States, representing one way that we formally celebrate Black liberation together. And also, while we celebrate this milestone, we acknowledge that there is still so much work to be done to ensure Black liberation becomes a reality. For today, tomorrow, and the next day, we continue the work and ministry of liberation for all of God's children.

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Expectancy: A baby, a new church, and new ministries!

Expectancy: A baby, a new church, and new ministries!

Keith and I are excited to share with you that we are expecting a baby boy sometime around July 7th!As a new church start founder about to go on parental leave, I am excited to invite our team of lay and staff leaders to fully take over soon! ... This year has been filled with expectancy around our baby, the birth of Juniper Formation as a church, and new ministries like ReFrame and our monthly Gatherings. Keep reading for invitations to join us in celebrating all three of these “births.”

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Together We Will Gather

Together We Will Gather

When you attend a Juniper Formation Gathering, you are an active participant in yours and others’ faith formation and spiritual life. Every time we gather, we are building faithful relationships with one another and God. As a “priesthood of all believers” our faith community is made up of movement leaders and people in ministry…

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