Hello, I'm Javon! ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ’œ


My name is Javon Bracy. I am a NOLA native, an Iliff grad, and a โ€œfreelanceโ€ minister. As some of you may know, while Jenny is on parental leave, Iโ€™ll be handling media and communications โ€” including our newsletter.

You can learn more about why I love JF by watching this short video.

If you have thoughts about what we should include in this newsletter or questions after watching the video linked above, shoot me an email. Iโ€™m also happy to just chat about life, Beyoncรฉ, or whatever else is on your heart. ๐Ÿ’œ

Hope to hear from you soon!


General Synod

The United Church of Christ General Synod 33 just wrapped!

General Synod is a national gathering of the Church, which occurs every two years. This year, due to COVID, it was totally virtual. If youโ€™d like to check out plenary sessions and worship services, check out the UCCโ€™s Vimeo and YouTube channels.

Juniper Formation was highlighted at General Synod as a newly started congregation! Check out the article and video here.

Stay tuned for more info about celebrating this milestone for JF!

Community News: Passage of SB21-88

Juniper Formation was a sponsor of the recently passed SB21-88, Child Sex Abuse Accountability Act.

In the words of Senator Rhonda Fields, โ€œThis bill is the first in the nation law that allows survivors to sue institutions that covered up abuse.โ€ As a result of this bill, Coloradans will no longer be subject to time limits.

Click here to read more.

Gathering for Scripture & Reflection

Join us: Next Wednesday, July 28, 6:30pm MT

Gathering for Scripture & Reflection is focused on a Spirit-led experience and relational engagement with scripture.

The purpose of this gathering is to reimagine and liberate scripture in ways that help us embody our faith so that our diverse selves and contexts become a living part of the radical love and justice of the Gospel.

Our time together will include:

  • Gathering Song: Music to gather and center us into our time and purpose together.
  • Divine Reading (Lectio Divina): A Spirit-led, meditative scripture reading using multiple different interpretations and/or Gospel versions of the dayโ€™s scripture to deepen our living understanding of the scripture, its interpretations, and meaning for us today.
  • One-to-one Relational Reflection: Weโ€™ll use Zoom Breakout rooms to pair off for time to reflect on the dayโ€™s scripture together and engage provided reflection questions as a way of integrating the living scripture into our lives, relationships, contexts, and faith community.
  • Integrative Reflection: We will gather back as a large group to share reflections from our one-to-ones, which will be facilitated and framed by a brief wrap-up message from the dayโ€™s Integrative reflection leader.
  • Sending Song: Music to send us forth and bless us in our ministries of lived faith.
  • We invite you to make an offering today. An offering is a way we share with one another in support of the whole, and as a loving act of co-creating a new way of being together and with God as we prophetically reimagine the Church.

Make an Offering

We invite you to make an offering today. An offering is a way we share with one another in support of the whole, and as a loving act of co-creating a new way of being together and with God as we prophetically reimagine the Church.

In addition to online giving, you may write a check out to โ€œJuniper Formation,โ€ and mail it to Juniper Formation, PO Box 19541, Denver, CO 80219.

For all of the ways you give your spirit, heart, gifts, talents, and resources, we thank you.


Grief + Grace ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿพ


Celebration. Affirmation. Pride.