Revealing Hope

This week's Advent reflection is offered by Rev. Dr. Jason Whitehead. Jason is part of Juniper Formation’s Spiritual Well ministry team. He also does congregational accompaniment and one-to-one coaching with Juniper Formation.
Hope is a direction. It is the moment we see what is possible and what is probable. It is equal parts imagination, adventure, and determination. It is seeing a great light, but also following it.
For me, 2020 has often been a year of probable rather than possible. It’s been easier to see what is and create expectations about what’s next based on a pragmatic reality. It’s been harder to see what is possible.
There have been moments of creativity; flashes of insight and inspiration; visions of what may come. These are great spaces of innovation and imagination. These possibilities can be easily overwhelmed by the probabilities. They shouldn’t be.
The Spiritual Well is one place where possibility and probability still have equal footing. It is a source of hope for me as I look at what it means to be a part of transformative ministry. The Spiritual Well is our way of addressing the mental health and well-being of congregations and the people that belong to them.
Conceived in ecumenical conversation, The Spiritual Well is all about recovery. It is about drawing from the deep reservoirs of church experience to help individuals and communities co-create spaces of belonging. Through the Spiritual Well we want to help transform the ways congregations meet people and welcome them.
Through our work we want to partner with congregations who recognize how people with mental health issues are marginalized in churches. We want to co-create spaces where people can speak freely about what ails and find the balm needed to go on.
Our hope in starting this ministry is that we can have the difficult conversations about mental health and well-being. It is also that we come to experience our faith and congregations as deep wells of care, love, and hope. Bringing together our faith and our mental well-being offers us a greater chance to experience the wholeness God hopes for us.
I see Advent and Christmas as God’s time at the well. It is the revelation and reminder that God is always with us. It is a time when love and hope are revealed through God’s imagination. As we embark on our journey with the well, we hope you will join along the way.
The Spiritual Well is a new ministry of Juniper Formation with a communal approach to co-create communities of spiritual health and integrated well-being within congregations and their communities. You can learn more about the Spiritual Well here, and make a designated donation to support the Spiritual Well here. |