Inspirations Blog

A multimedia collection of stories, learnings, reflections, and resources from the people and ministries of Juniper Formation.

Lenten Reflections
Lent, Reimagining Church Jenny Whitcher Lent, Reimagining Church Jenny Whitcher

Lenten Reflections

We are preparing for new life and growth. What we need is a season of reimagining the world, when the world is falling apart—breaking open to new ways of being.The Empire that killed Jesus, and continues today to thwart liberation would have us remain in punitive, fear-based, scarcity frameworks. It is our calling as Christians to seek the freedom and new life that our Creator intended for us, and offers us in the gift of Christ, and the always present Holy Spirit.

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There is Only Home
Beloved Community, Lent Jenny Whitcher Beloved Community, Lent Jenny Whitcher

There is Only Home

Acts of love and betrayal are ways in which we relate to one another and God, even if we don’t like to admit to the betrayal part. Such disparate actions in tension as we navigate what love really means. Sometimes in our attempts at love we unintentionally cause harm others out of fear, pain, jealousy, greed, power, and trauma.

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2nd Week of Lent: Find your Juniper Tree
Lent Jenny Whitcher Lent Jenny Whitcher

2nd Week of Lent: Find your Juniper Tree

In telling the truth, I felt like I could finally breathe. The Juniper tree is not always an easy place to makes us reckon with ourselves, our relationships, the world, and the Divine. And sometimes we lose everything on our way to its shade.

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