First Week of Lent: Behold; Take Heed

We’ve released worship music videos with lyrics for each song on the “Speak Boldly” album by Jenny LaJoye. You can find these worship music videos on our Juniper Formation YouTube Channel, and more easily in this “Speak Boldly” YouTube Playlist.

Each week during our Lenten journey we will highlight a worship video and offer accompanying ritual, scripture, and prayer for you to engage at home by yourself, with your household, or in congregational worship.

Artist’s Songwriting Reflection

"Behold; Take Heed" is inspired by Luke 1:26-33, the angel Gabriel's visit to Mary. I wanted to flip the concept of "angel" on its head. There's a reason angels in the Bible always say, "Don't be afraid." I wonder if the people we are often most uncomfortable with—most afraid of—in our society are, in fact, angels bringing us messages of love, joy, peace, and hope...if only we would listen and heed their words.

Scripture: Luke 1:28-30

An angel came to Mary and said, “Greetings, favored one! Blessed are you among women, God is with you!”

Mary was perplexed by the angel’s words and wondered what sort of greeting this might be.

The angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God.”

“Behold; Take Heed” Lyrics

Behold what’s written in the dirt,
The word out on the streets
The quiet, and the other, and the tattered mystery
Strange and holy angels spreading Heaven with their feet
Behold these signs of [hope/peace/joy/love], don’t be afraid,
Behold, Take heed.

Don’t be afraid
Don’t be afraid
Don’t be afraid
Don’t be afraid

Ritual: Messages of Angels

As you listen to “Behold; Take Heed” (see video above) we invite you to be an angel to somebody by sharing a message of love, joy, peace, and hope.

To share a message, you might consider:

  1. Calling someone you haven’t spoken with in a while to see how they are, to be present to them, and share your love with them.
  2. Writing notes to your neighbors or to someone near or far.
  3. Doing an act of service for someone who might not expect it
  4. Offering to pray with someone or offering a blessing to someone
  5. Leave a public message for your neighbors with sidewalk chalk, a lawn sign, or a message or diorama carved into snow

As you share messages of angels, orient yourself to also receive the messages of angels. Open your heart, mind, and body to receive messages of love, joy, peace, and hope. Even if you don’t feel deserving, if you feel guilty receiving these messages, or if you don’t trust these kinds of messages…behold; take heed, and let yourself receive that God is with you, blessed one.

Reflective Invitation

We invite you to journey through Lent by drawing closer to God and one another by deepening your spiritual practices and awareness.

What harmful messages do you have for yourself that you can you release? What harmful messages do you have for others that you can release?

What loving messages from yourself and others might you welcome into your life? What loving messages can you share with others?

For both your release and your invitation, may it be so.


Do not be afraid of the angels in your life who bring messages of love, joy, peace, and hope.

Do not be afraid to be a strange and holy angel spreading messages of love, joy, peace, and hope.

Behold; take heed, child of God, you are blessed and God is with you.


Support the artist and buy the “Speak Boldly” album online, here.

We invite you to make an offering today. An offering is a way we share with one another in support of the whole, and as a loving act of co-creating a new way of being together and with God as we prophetically reimagine the Church.

For all of the ways you give your spirit, heart, gifts, talents, and resources, we thank you.


Together We Will Gather


A Lenten Practice: Reimagining History and Releasing White Supremacy