Cocreating our future together
“For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. Who knows? Perhaps you have come to royal dignity for just such a time as this.” Esther 4:14
Daily Ripple wasn’t built for a time like this one. We were cocreated by the voices of our authors to build a world of compassion and justice by challenging us all to be better disciples. We were built to challenge each of us to make our corners of the world better. Yet, here we are.
This is a time of pain, fear, anxiety, anger, and grief for many I would call a sibling. Many of our writers live with the identities that a plurality of people wish to persecute and silence.
There are moments when I fear I’ve built a platform for others to begin flinging stones at people I care about very much. And, at the same time, it is their voices our world needs most.
We all need siblings like the Daily Ripple authors to soften our hearts and harden our resolve. I am so proud of what they’ve built these last three years. Each one of them has contributed to the cocreation of Daily Ripple.
Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash
I’m proud to experience their growth and the flourishing of their voices as they continue to bravely enter this space and speak truth to all of us.
And, I am appreciative that you’ve been with us on this journey. A year ago, our subscriber list was 1/5th of what it is today. Our daily reads have climbed steadily over the last year to average about 125 a day.
While numbers don’t mean a whole lot to me, having people find us, join us, and return is meaningful to me. I am grateful that many of you trust us to help shape your discipleship journey.
To this point, we’ve been supported by grants from 1001 New Worshipping Communities and the leadership of Juniper Formation. Without their support, we would not be here, and Daily Ripple would not be free for everyone. For three years, they’ve cheered us on, celebrated our successes, and lamented our lost opportunities.
To be transparent, I’ve been content with the idea of letting Daily Ripple wind down when our grant funding ends (around the end of 2025). That would have given us 5 years of ministry (2 years longer than Jesus’ recorded ministry).
Now, I see the work we still have to do. I need to keep reading their voices, because in a time such as this they will provide a prophetic word that challenges us to become the disciples the world needs. I believe we all need our authors to keep writing.
I want Daily Ripple, our authors and our readers, to become a voice of justice in the wilderness, a space of compassion for those who hurt, and a respite from a hostile world.
We simply can’t do that beyond 2025 without your support.
Asking for financial support is uncomfortable for me. I’ve struggled with asking people to fund my ideas. The truth is this project has become far more than anything I could imagine. I’m no longer asking you to fund “my project.” I’m asking you to support these writers who put their hearts into this virtual space for each one of you.
One week of Daily Ripple costs about $850 to produce. These costs are broken down this way:
$250/week goes to our authors
$450/week is split between two support staff who edit, post, and develop the platforms for everyday content
$75/week goes to technology fees and services
$75/week goes toward additional support, incidental costs, growth and development of staff and authors, our card deck production, and other resources. (check out our new custom progressive theology GPT model).
I’ll be posting some of the new things we’re doing in 2025 soon (progressive theology conference anyone?) so you get an idea of what we’re dreaming about. If you’d like to chat, meet, or just hear more, please reach out to me at:
If you are in a financial position to donate and help us continue cocreating and expanding our content, please consider clicking the button below and help us out.
The button will take you to an outside website called Aplos, which currently handles our bookkeeping and records. Your donation is tax deductible as it goes through our ministry partners at Juniper Formation.