Inspirations Blog

A multimedia collection of stories, learnings, reflections, and resources from the people and ministries of Juniper Formation.

What can you say in church?
Beloved Community Jenny Whitcher Beloved Community Jenny Whitcher

What can you say in church?

Whether ordained clergy, ordinands, or lay leaders, the priesthood of all believers is called to preach and teach the Gospel. To do this, we must relate the Gospel to our lived experiences, including the political and legislative issues that impact our individual and communal life, and the character and behaviors of public leaders that influence…

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Prophetic prayer in the time of COVID-19
Beloved Community Jenny Whitcher Beloved Community Jenny Whitcher

Prophetic prayer in the time of COVID-19

"I was invited by Rev. Del Phillips to offer a prayer today as one of 13 clergy from Denver to launch Pray Act Trust—30 days of noontime prayer and action in response to COVID-19. One of the people who offered a public prayer on the call today specifically named homosexuality and abortion as sins for which we need forgiveness...These words and this theology are violent, and they do not reflect a loving God who made us in God’s own image. There is no place for such hate and violence in our shared prayer life."

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