Stories of Faithful Resonance
Over the coming weeks, we’ll share stories from a few members of the Juniper Formation Leadership Team as a way to invite you in to get to know us and Juniper Formation. We reflect on our identities and faith as they collide with the realities of the world—our churches, workplaces, schools, public and political spaces, families, and communities. Being church together is something quite unique, and also, there are many aspects of these relationships that can easily be translated across institutions from all sectors.
There has to be a different way of being together in this world. We want more abundant love and inclusion, more people to sit in the gray saying, “I don’t know, but I’m curious,” more justice and liberation for the oppressed, and more grace and forgiveness for ourselves and one another.
We use narrative storytelling to share with you what being a part of Juniper Formation is like for us. We hope that these stories will connect with you spirit-to-spirit, and that you might be encouraged to join us more deeply in ministry, or for the very first time if you are newly meeting us through our stories. We’d also appreciate a donation, if you are able to make a one-time donation or a recurring monthly or annual donation.
Last year, our Leadership Team Chair Jeanette Rojas led us through a storytelling process centered on the questions:
What do you love about Juniper Formation? What feels unique?
How has being a part of Juniper Formation changed your perspective on the Church, community, faith, etc.?
When you sit in the spirit, do any themes, stories, or moments begin to stir?
This communal storytelling process allowed us to individually reflect our collective story, weaving together the fabric of our faith community, Juniper Formation.
We hope that whether you are a churchgoer, church member, clergy, judicatory, or have never stepped inside a church, a former Christian, or spiritual but not religious, that you might find resonance.
Why Bry Brannan (they/them) gives monthly to Juniper Formation…
Bry (they/them) and Camille (they/them)
“I donate monthly to Juniper Formation as one of the ways to be part of the collective efforts to sustain the relational, soulful, and justice-seeking ministries of this ecumenical church.
The bimonthly Gathering nourishes and challenges me to embody my faith. The Gathering space is rooted in song, Scripture, sacrament and Spirit-led conversations. One week we reflected on how we experience a gender-expansive God and the next week we engaged each other on why conversations about reparations for the legacy of slavery can be hard to have at an individual and societal level.
These are the small group conversations I’ve longed to have in church. I invite you to join me and my spouse Camille in making a monthly contribution as you’re able to support the people who bring the ministry of Juniper Formation to life.”
You can make a one-time donation or a recurring monthly donation here: