happy fall, y'all!

hi, friends!

fall is my favorite season. i used to say it was spring because my birthday is in may. but truth be told: i love fall. cooler weather. fall fashion. sports in full swing. i really could go on!

there's also lots of symbolism associated with fall. over the years i've heard many variations of fall quotes. here are two of which i was reminded recently: "fall reminds us that change can be beautiful." "notice how the trees do not cling to their leaves. fall is about releasing the old to make way for the new."

cliche? perhaps. but i think it's also worth considering.

"change" and "letting" go can be... difficult. (to say the least.) which is why i especially appreciate the positive tone of the quotes i mentioned above. they remind us of the possibility that awaits us when we make room with intention.

beyond intention, this “making room” endeavor also requires, among other things, divine imagination, hope, and faith. i acknowledge these things can be hard to conjure these days. (for me, it helps to do so in community. sometimes that looks like a conversation with my 96-year-old grandmother. other times it takes the shape of shareouts and reflections during the Gathering. for you, it might take the shape of something totally different.)

nevertheless, as we continue our transition into fall, I encourage you to think about a few things:

what might the Divine be calling you to let go of in this season?

what might letting go be making room for?

what tools, resources, support might you need as you navigate the journey of letting go and making room?

happy fall, y’all! talk to you soon 💜

- Javon

ps - what's your favorite fall flavor? pumpkin or apple?


Below are some resources from the UCC about things happening this month and in response to what’s happening in our world:

Border Brutality: Religious leaders decry US treatment of Haitian migrants

UCC officials have joined other religious leaders in condemning the U.S. treatment of Haitian migrants. They’re urging people to campaign on social media for a change in policy, add their signatures to a letter to President Biden and write other elected officials.

Access Sunday, October 10

UCC Disabilities Ministries offers worship resources that churches can use to celebrate the denomination’s annual Access Sunday on October 10.

Latinx Heritage Month, September 15 - October 15

Thursdays for the Soul is a webinar series to care for the whole church. Topics are wide-ranging and are focused on the spirituality and care of people. Prayer, worship, music, psalm readings, or compassionate teaching are included. On September 16, Colectivo helped to usher in 2021's Hispanic/Latinx Heritage Month during Thursdays for the Soul in prose, praise, and music.

Watch the replay here.


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