Juniper Formation is a community built by and for active participants and leaders in ministry. We’re the ones who’ve been excluded or pushed aside. We’re people from all ethnicities, abilities, neurodiversities, gender identities and expressions, sexual orientations, and we welcome all of who you are!
Faith Seeker. Ordained or lay minister. Spiritual leader. Desirer of respite. Temporary traveler. Fellow creative. Juniper formation is your home, a place for you to lead, grow, and rest in the Spirit.
Join us!
Welcome to Juniper Formation.
We’re a web and app-based faith community. Our mission is to build meaningful relationships, work together towards justice and healing, engage in faith formation and discernment (spiritual understanding), cocreate diverse and prophetic ministries, and more.

Who We Are
Juniper Formation is a Christ-centered faith community of the United Church of Christ (UCC) who are prophetically reimagining the Church. We are movement leaders and people in ministry committed to radical love and justice for the diversity of God's creation, especially those of us who are marginalized and oppressed.
Daily Ripple
Daily Ripple is an app and digital community built around the idea that small changes in our lives have a big impact.
Question of the day…
How has spending time with God through the Daily Ripple this week changed you? Has it been a window into God’s love and justice? Has it been a mirror, helping you see your past and potential growth?
—Jeanette Capel (She/Her/Ella)

Our Values
Juniper Formation is committed to radical compassion and justice for the diversity of God's creation, especially the marginalized and oppressed…
Our Mission
Our mission is prophetically reimagining the Church by incubating new ministries, centering the margins of the Church, and accompanying one another through prophetic discernment and ministry formation.
Gather with us
As we gather throughout the year on Zoom, we ritually embody our faith life and community as ministers to and with one another. We also gather to reimagine and liberate scripture in ways that help us embody our faith so that our diverse selves and contexts become a living part of the radical love and justice of the Gospel.
We gather on the 1st & 3rd Sunday
every month, 6-7 p.m. Mountain Time.
Feel free to contact us with any questions. We’d love to hear from you!